Tami Bulmash
Body Wisdom
Published in
Mar 2, 2021


Would you describe moving quickly in the same way as hurrying? If you’ve ever rushed in order to save time or get somewhere faster, you probably know it’s not a perfect science. Take groceries for example. Has carrying more bags than you can handle ever resulted in something dropping, breaking, leaking, or all of the above? Did the extra effort of pushing through even end up saving you any time?

Trying to juggle too many things at once doesn’t just lead to mess on the floor, it can also make a mess in your body. Lauren Hill discusses the difference between being fast and and rushing in her article, “Be Quick but Don’t Hurry” and offers some suggestions…



Tami Bulmash
Body Wisdom

I write and teach about the mind-body connection and its relationship to health and well-being. More at https://www.bodyandposture.com/