Why is being a Zionist a bad thing? If someone identifies as an African should that be the end of the sentence? There have been countless wars in Africa. There was the Rwandan Genocide, the Nigerian Civil War and the Second Congo War taking the lives of over 5 million people. So I'll ask you again, if someone identifies as an African, does that negate their human experience on that land? There have been wars between countries that date back to the beginning of civilization. There is no country in the world that still holds the same name from the time that countries were named. There has been war since the beginning of time as we know it. Your profile shows that you left America so maybe you are aware if its own role in occupying the Native American's land and creating a land for themselves. Not to mention the gruesome and abhorrent history with slavery. There is no perfect country with a clean and perfect history. But when you single out Zionists, what are you hoping to achieve? Is it really Zionists or is just the Jews? Because most Jews identify with Israel. So if you ask them to denounce or separate themselves from a country that for many (not all) is part of their ethnic and religious identity, then what you are doing is presenting yourself as a bigot because you are judging them based on what they are: Jews. If that was your goal, you certainly achieved it. Wanting to support one group of people shouldn't have to come at the expense of demonizing another.