There is a lot to address here and I'm happy to discuss this further should you so wish. Let me first address what you said about Judaism. It is well-known that the first ancient Jews were not white. Some dispute the shade of how dark the skin was but I really don't want to go there. Here is an interesting clip from the Smithsonian Library catalogue:
"The original Black Jews".
The author discusses the origins of the Hamites and Shemites (or Semites). He states that the original Israelites were of the Black race and that the biblical Abraham (or Abram) was a Black Shemite (a descendant of Shem). Abraham was the father of both the Hebrew-Israelite and Arab nations. The Black Shemites intermarried with Black Hamite Egyptian women, giving rise to the Arab nation. The author also states that Arabia was originally inhabited by the Ethiopians (also known as Cushites) prior to the progenitors of the Arabs. Many of today's Arabs are not Black due to the introduction of white slavery.
The story of King Solomon of Jerusalem and the Queen of Sheba (known as Makeda by the Ethiopians) points to the origins of the present black Jews of Ethiopia, known as the Falashas. The Falashas claim descent from the child of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Menilek I. The queen returned to Sheba (which was part of the Ethiopian empire) with Menelik I. Later, Menelik was sent to his father in Jerusalem to be educated (where he accepted the name David). The Jews who returned to Ethiopia with Menelik I are claimed to be the ancestors of the Falashas (the Ethiopian emperor, Haile Selassie was also believed to be a descendant of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba).
The also describes the origins of Christianity and Islam, which are the "offspring" of Judaism (the author refers to Christianity and Islam as the two daughters of Judaism)."!786641!0
This further explains why Israel is not only comprised of Ashkenazi/Caucasian/East European Jews but rather nearly half are Jews from Arab and Northern African countries:
"Starting in 1948 an estimated 850,000 Jews were uprooted from the lands of their birth in which their ancestors had dwelled for centuries prior to the Muslim conquest in the seventh century. Until the tenth century, 90 percent of world Jewry lived in regions now known as Arab countries of the Middle East and northern North Africa. By 1976, most of the Jewish communities in these countries had disappeared leaving behind a few thousand Jews, scattered over a number of cities in the region."
What is more, "almost half of Jewish citizens of Israel, together with their descendants, are from Arab countries." This is coming from a peer-reviewed journal from 2003. Additionally there are over 160,000 Ethiopian Jews also living in Israel.
I want to acknowledge that I truly believe that you believe what you believe. And I have no doubt that you might think the same of me. I welcome discourse. I prefer reputable references to support claims. I also hope that you realize that accusing Zionists (who let's face it, are mostly Jews) of "continued control of the world economy" or "Zionist political and economic activity influenced the great European powers" are very old antisemitic tropes. Saying these things is no different in its repulsive misuse than that of accusing people of color of being "savages" or as the Los Angeles police officers who beat African-American Rodney King referred to a domestic dispute among African-Americans as "right out of 'Gorillas in the Mist'" (Plous & Williams, 1995, p. 812.). These kinds of generalizations and stereotypes are deeply offensive and anecdotal stories do not equate to fact.
If you want to continue this discourse, I welcome it. But please note, that I do not accept your definition of Zionism nor its implications. That is by no means to say that Israel is without fault. But any group of historically oppressed people deserve the opportunity for self-determination.