There are several studies on this, I like to use google scholar rather than wikipedia but footnotes are good. And your citation doesn't change anything, it also cites Jewish lineage to ancient Israelites and explains how European converts resulted from Jews being repeatedly kicked out of their ancestral homeland, Israel, which lead to forced conversions in Europe. Let's not forget the Spanish Inquisition as well.
To your question about Jews having a right to take land from Middle Eastern people? Judaism goes back over 3500 years ago in Canaan which is what is now referred to as Israel-Palestine.
Present day Palestinians are actually from Jordan. They are a group of people who have sadly been rejected by every one of their Arab neighboring countries. Do you know that Gaza also shares a border with Egypt? Did you know that Israel has been the one providing them with food and water despite not "occupying" them since 2005 when Israel withdrew its troops and settlers? Israel left them crops, green houses so many things to build up their community and instead they burned it all. Meanwhile, where has Egypt been in all of this? Why haven't they helped? It's so easy to blame Israel...Jews... for everything that is wrong in the Middle East and the world at large. So I know that I'm just speaking to deaf ears here and I have no doubt you will reply with the same ol' predictable retort blaming Israel nonetheless. And that's fine, I don't expect anything else. I just hope someone else who reads this comment will learn something.