The intention to leave them buildings and businesses was to help them thrive. Israel could have burned it down but chose not to in order to give them opportunities. Israel supplies Gaza and the West Bank with electricity, food and water. Why aren’t the neighboring Arab countries helping the Palestinians? Israel has also given them cement to build houses but then they went to use it to build tunnels for terror. The Palestinian leaders have made it clear that they don’t want peace. There is a limit to how much any country would tolerate. Israel has won the war and has tried to live in peace and offered many different peace agreements. I’m sure you know this, but have a different perception. It’s not my job nor intention to try to convince you otherwise. But at some point, I hope the Palestinian leadership will want more for their people than being the pawns for terrorists. I hope that at some point they allow them to receive some of the billions of dollars in aid that the world has contributed to their cause for self-determination. And more than anything, I hope they stop living in the past and move on with their lives as every other nation that has had the shortest end of the stick has had to do. IT IS NOT FAIR. IT IS NOT JUST. But Israel has tried more than any other country in history to have peace with their neighbors (and Israel is FAR from perfect and has much to fix as well). There comes a point when it’s time to move on and build a new reality for the Palestinians. One in which they look forward and not backward.