In 1947 the UN adopted Resolution 181 that would divide the land of Israel/Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. This was the result of Europe not wanting to take in the Jews that survived the Holocaust, and because the Jews had nowhere to go after the genocide of WWII where 6 million of their Jewish brothers and sisters were slaughtered. It was the UN that collectively agreed to let them return to their homeland, Israel. There was no Israeli army back then that fought to be able to go back to Israel. There is a big blind spot for many people trying to understand this conflict that don't know how and why the Jews were permitted to return to their homeland. I realize using the term "homeland" may be triggering for some. For those who are atheist or non-religious, the idea of wanting to return to a homeland based religious beliefs or lineage or text may not seem reasonable. But keep in mind that the majority of the world does follow some form of faith or belief system. Additionally, the Muslims in Israel/Palestine want the land as well because of their religious beliefs. Not only that, there are artifacts linking both groups to the land, with Jewish presence dating further back than Muslims because Islam only came about 610 AD and Judaism dates back nearly 4000 years ago. It is very clear that these two groups of people want to live in Israel/Palestine. The focus should be on a solution for peace. Israel is comprised of 9 million people, 2 million of which are Arab Israeli citizens. Gaza is comprised of about 2 million and the West Bank 3 million. Israel is here to stay. The Palestinians are here to stay. Who does it really help to keep the focus on the problem and not the solution? If you want the best for both sides, then perhaps it might be worthwhile to draw attention to a resolution.