Hi Marianne, thank you so much for your lovely comment. You really touched on a very important point regarding the gap between the back of the head and the wall. I teach my students a similar activity but in reverse. The next time you stand against the wall, try to allow your heels, buttocks and shoulders to gently touch the wall without force. Resist the urge to try and push the head back. Instead, have a book or two handy and put it/them behind your head until the gap between your head and the wall is filled with the book/s. That will show you how far forward your head has or hasn't come out of alignment. Don't be alarmed by that, instead, lay down on the floor with that depth of the book/s (usually 1-3 inches) under your head in semi-supine (I will provide a link for an article that explains and shows a picture of semi-supine at the end). If you lie in semi-supine for 20 minutes a day, you will likely sense how your body can come back into alignment with more ease. Here's the link: https://betterhumans.pub/how-to-teach-your-child-good-posture-habits-34c63ce4020a